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1You Have a Problem

In this chapter, Howard explains the "problem" faced by legacy brands today: a lack of "customer love." And while there are many kinds of love, "customer love" is shorthand for the desire to be connected with a given brand and the strong faith that the brand will give you what you need. Howard argues that obtaining the "customer love"garnered by brands like Uber and Amazon is not just a good way to keep customers happy— it's the single most important factor in the success of your business. After discussing some of the things that today's "loved" brands do, Howard steps back to examine the digital world that businesses inhabit and the digital customers they must delight, building his case that digital is imperative for brands to succeed.

Even though the urgency of digital is is so clear, many brands are not come close to providing the digital experience that customers expect, meaning that these brands need to reinvent themselves in a variety of ways, and quickly. Though many legacy brands are not built for this type of rapid change, tenured companies can and do transform successfully. Just look at HBO or The New York Times. But to have any hope of doing so, a proven methodology is required. The chapter finishes with a look ahead at the book's structure, which is broken into the 5 key activities brands need to do to catch up and gain the love of their digital customers.

These 5 processes—Understand Your Customer, Map the Customer Journey, Build the Future, Short-Term Optimization, and Lead the Change—compose what Howard calls the Customer love Digital Transformation Formula.


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