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4What Does Being Digitally Transformed Look Like?

In short, companies that are digitally driven have reinvented what they do for the digital world, replacing waiting lines with apps, call centers with chat bots, and channels with on-demand videos, and it’s all in the service of improving the customer experience by meeting their needs in a better way. This does not mean that these companies have abandoned the idea of a physical presence. After all, it’s not about making your company entirely digital, but rather about reshaping your brand experience to resonate with an audience of digital customers—customers who are living a lifestyle with digital at the center. And in studying a large number of successful digital brands, we’ve observed three key patterns that they all have in common and that account for a lot of their success in generating customer love.

  1. Hyper-convenience, which eliminates inconvenience for the customer by making transactions faster, reducing customer effort, and making capabilities accessible wherever a customer wants, whether it be through a website, app, or virtual assistant.
  2. Proactive personalization, which means that digital driven companies know where their customers are located at any given moment, what they are likely to want, their payment preferences, and how they want to consume what they paid for.
  3. Massive value shift, as digital winners present what are fundamentally “better deals” to the customer, with companies like Google, Dropbox, and Craig's List offering superlative services for free.

For companies that want to provide increased value to their customers, it's helpful to think of customer value as an equation—how much you give your customer in exchange for how much you ask them to give you. Disrupters are innovating on both components of that equation, and you can too. It would be overwhelming to try to do all of things that digital leaders have done in the past, but luckily, you don’t need to. You just need to pick the methods that will have maximum impact in terms of your customers’ thoughts, feelings, and, ultimately, behaviors.

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