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21The Road Ahead: Your 90-Day Action Plan

In the final chapter, Howard recaps the five-part approach for digitally transforming to achieve customer love, then provides a few possible starting points. If you’re beginning your transformation but don’t know where to begin, start by...

  • Assembling an informal digital transformation leadership team. Find those “innovation heroes” who are committed to making a difference, whether it’s part of their job description or not. 
  • Commissioning research to map out the current customer journey, its points of pain, and the opportunities it presents to make a difference through transformation.
  • Working on a specific new product that needs innovation. Focus on just that one area and apply the principles of Design Thinking 2.0 to prove that it can work. 
  • Administer the Digital Transformation Index to a sample of employees across functions and lines of business at your company. 
  • Just pick any random chapter of this book and start there. Starting any place is better than waiting. 

Howard also encourages readers to utilize all the bonus online resources available with this book at WDC.HT. As mentioned, Howard’s company, FROM, The Digital Transformation Agency, also provides consulting around all these issues including digital strategy, customer research, design thinking, and the other topics covered in this book, so if FROM can be of help to you, our contact info is available at FROM.DIGITAL.

Howard then leaves readers with one final lesson, urging transformation leaders to be nimble as they develop their plans. For as Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the most successful wartime leaders in modern times, observed, “No plan survives contact with the enemy.”

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